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Daniel in the Lion Den

This is Vyron L. Brown a servant for life through out eternity of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Keep in mind the purpose of this writing is just another page in the book Common Sense II, entitled Getting Prayer Back into School though our children whom must be taught at home, by parents or guardian, older sibling, grand or great grand parents. A lot of information was given last week which if received and practiced should place you on the right road of developing into a prayer warrior and leading your children to be the same. Last week we covered the importance of having a prayer partner one is good 3 or 4 is better, someone that share your faith lever, but if not, that they truly believe in the word of God that's written, and spoken out of their mouth with faith, also getting some books to help you study, 1.Prayers That Avail Much ( Google Search you will find many varies levels ), 2. Our model prayer that Christ gave to his disciples Luke11:1-4 us, 3. David"s 23rd Psalm, and 4. Setting time to study and pray you first, then the family. Today our message will open our eyes further showing how strong prayer is, who it effects, how long it takes to get to the father, how the Angels are activated, how a whole city can be saved, how a whole nation can be saved, how a pack of lions can be controlled, how a opposing king can be won over, all by one man through prayer. His name was Daniel an Evangelical scholar he is cited, along with Noah and Job as an example of a righteous man. It would bless your heart if you would take time and read the book of Daniel which he wrote. Daniel was one of four men from Judah that had been captured by Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon. Daniel 1;17 As for these four children, God gave them knowledge and skill in all learning and wisdom; and Daniel had understanding in all vision and dreams. Daniel was ten times better than all the Kings Magicians. In the captured land he was ordered not to continue daily prayer, he dis obeyed the order and was through into the lion's den with a large rock covering the entrance, to be eaten. The next morning the King haste unto the den and called out to Daniel in a Lamentable voice, asked was his God able to deliver him from the lions and Daniel answered. Daniel 6; 21-22 Then Daniel said to the king o king, live for ever. 22. My God Has sent his angel, and hath shut the lions mouths, that they have not harmed me...................Daniel 6;24 And the king commanded, and they brought those men which had accused Daniel and they cast them into the den of lions, them their children and their wives; and the lions had the mastery of them and brake all their bones in pieces ever they caveat the bottom of the den. Wow Psalm105;15 Touch not my anointed and do my prophets no harm , Daniel was a prayer warrior daily prayer nothing was better nor more important in his life he prayed for God's will to be done on earth as it is in heaven, not his will same as Jesus model prayer, but we think we know everything, simply ,embrace what God is saying to you about developing a sound prayer life, it will be a great blessing. Next week I will continue with Daniel and show you how he fasted for 21 days for a answer about the future of his country. Daniel in 10;12 the messenger angel informed Daniel that the Lord heard him ( in heaven )the same day he prayed. The messenger angel was held up by the Prince of Persia, so the Arch Angel Micheal had to be dispatched to free the messenger angel. The scripture tells us that it is war going on in heaven. We will continue part 2 on Daniel with spiritual war fare in heaven in our next letter. Rev12;7,8,9 vyronbrownministry.com